Sunday, June 3, 2007

only 2 more weeks

Week 7 wasn't markedly different from week 6. craig kept telling us that week 7 is when we find our strength. maybe it will happen in week 8? we'll see.

we had an influx of notable people in the bikram world this week. E-sock (yeah, i dont know how to spell his name) and Jason Winn both arrived this week and each lead a class. Jason kept talking about focus and determination, and i had a really focused class, even though i felt sore and exhausted. the most notable quote from his class was when he said "my friend in the blue shorts, touch your forehead to your knee... okay, imagine we're friends and now will you touch your forehead to your knee?" it was pretty funny. We also had a class from Darius, who owns 2 of the funky door studios in san francisco (and the two he owns i found to be the snootiest places i've ever practiced). And the notable quote from his no-frills class was "grab your god damn heels already!" very sweet, that one.

there was also this strange day when craig came around to all the posture clinic groups and called out a few names of people who needed to stand in front of the podium for bikram's class that afternoon. i wasn't called into the Penalty Box, as Ron termed it, but my dear friend charles set up our mats just behind the penalty box. when bikram arrived and saw empty space in front of him, we were dragged a few rows up and just in front of the podium! so i got a full ration of bikram's shit and had a shitty class because i couldn't focus past feeling watched. so charles owes me huge for that one.

posture clinics are still going quite well. actually, the night that jason arrived, he and another staff member walked into our posture clinic to judge us. he didn't really introduce himself and we jumped right into it. he gave harsh feedback so i felt somewhat nervous, but i completely nailed bow pose. when i looked over at jason and rowena for feedback, they looked at eachother, looked at the grade book, looked at me and then eachother again, and said they had nothing to say because it was perfect. not bad i suppose! i'm glad i didn't know it was the infamous yogi jason winn. whew. but later he and i talked about how vannah white is his student and i admitted she was my hero when i was little. he found that pretty funny. the next day we had e-sock and a woman from new mexico judging us. i did fixed firm for them and e-sock told me it sounded like poetry when i said it. it's been fun to see all the yoginis swooning over him and his lucious locks.

also bikram returned this week and so did the late-night lectures. i just couldn't follow most of what he was talking about, so i took to studying dialogue and trying to follow as best i could. funny enough, he talked about an indian scientist named Bose who did work with Einstein. Well, Ron checking up on this story and found that bikram had creatively blended 2 indian scientists into one and exaggerated Bose's scientific contributions to the world. so i guess we have to take what bikram says with a grain of salt. i just can't wait until he starts talking about yoga, which hasn't happened yet.

We only have 5 postures left, holy crap! and 22 more classes. maybe if we finish the postures by friday, i will actually be able to see other parts of honolulu that aren't the hotel, the grocery store, or the sushi place across the street!

- Yoga teachers are mst exception people in the world.
- There are lots of weird and full of shit people in the world. they are easy for you to find and sell yoga to for satisfaction.
- Go to Bikram Yoga every day, bust your ass and balls for a longer life.
- Anger is the number one enemy in your life.
- My mind is always jumping like a little shrimp. i have to grab it and say "ass hole, slow down!"
- You know what is biggest bullshit of American woman? What you call ATT CBS CNN NBC ABC.... Oh, PMS! I forget
- How do yu sleep with glasses on? do you make love with an interpreter?
- The stupidest shit I ever hear - one person pay another $40 in 1970 and ask "what should i eat?" what the fuck is that shit!
- In india, women don't go to the bathroom, ever!
- The pope doesn't know much about christianity anyways...
- I will be here for the rest of training so you can talk to me, hug me, rape me, etc"
- I come back in the morning. I see you, i kill you.

- This lecture is like Seinfeld; it's about nothing! - Shannon
- There's nothing like spinning upside down with a nut sack in your hand - Luke
- You never know what could happen when you are 360 degree angle backward bending for gravitation. I envision astronauts doing camel pose in space. - Ron

1 comment:

Chester Schambleton said...

okay so i already said my best sorries about getting you into the box. when you thank of how i can pay you back 'huge', let me know. also, can i get a little 'nut sac' footnote credit for enduring the event and initiating the circumstances for the quote to commence? i think you'll get more strength this week, just when you think you don't have it, you will.